Therapy Approach

Deciding to start therapy is a big move. You don't know me, but you are anticipating having to tell your life story to a complete stranger and this can feel scary and somewhat overwhelming. My approach is collaborative and we share control of our sessions together. In fact, most sessions feel like a casual chat with me whipping out the occasional diagram on the whiteboard to explain a certain concept and you shooting me down or telling me "yes, I like it, let's try that".
I'm grounded in evidence-based treatment. This is largely due to my strong scientific research background. I typically use cognitive behaviour therapy, integrated family intervention, schema therapy and motivational interviewing. I am a total scientist-nerd, so you'll hear me talk about the latest research innovations in mental health, especially if it applies to some of your experiences and challenges.
I'm a warm but relatively firm psychologist. I'll definitely check in on whether you've worked at therapy homework between sessions, track your progress, and make sure that we're making headway. I'm cheering you on and advocating for your wellbeing. The aim is for you to become your own best psychologist with a belief in your own resilience and wisdom to make good decisions.
Finally, I really enjoy seeing my clients. I'm not an enigmatic psychologist who says "hmm, tell me more" and then scribbles mysterious notes. I tell you what I'm thinking (and you can tell me "that's not right", "I love that" or "no way I'm doing that").
For families with children, you may want to know about my parenting philosophy. It's very simple - it should be evidence-based but filled with laughter and connection. It's not fussy, it's not ever one thing, and it is slightly irreverent (a little like Bluey on ABC Kids).
With child clients, I spend a great deal of time developing rapport. It might involve coloring-in and playing board games. This doesn't mean we're not covering evidence-based content. However, I've learnt from outstanding mentors that if a child doesn't trust you and they find therapy a burden, they will not engage and improve over time. So while we are having fun, we are also learning new skills and gathering new information.
Therapy Interests and Research Specialties
Anxiety Disorders
Social Skills for Teens and Children (PEERS® Certified)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorders
Adult Depression
Adult Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Grief and adjustment
Postnatal Depression
Parenting difficulties
Managing HSC stress